
Play On Physical Therapy accepts Medicare, Indiana Medicaid and most commercial insurance providers common to the area. While prevention and performance training is not reimbursed through medical insurance, costs for routine Physical Therapy treatment generally are, barring any copays, deductibles or co-insurance that is your responsibility.

If Play On is out of network with your insurance, you are still welcome to use your healthcare spending account or cash pay for services. We are dedicated to providing affordable healthcare, and cash rates are such that it is often possible to fully address your treatment needs for less than many insurance deductibles.

In accordance with the mandates outlined by the No Surprises Act (NSA), all cash pay patients will be provided a written good faith estimate of the expected cost of care on their first day of therapy. The only surprise we want you to have is how much better you feel hitting your goals.

Orthopedic and Pelvic Health: Injury Prevention and Treatment

Play On Physical Therapy

Contact Us317-663-0683 (phone) 
317-663-0682 (fax)
By appointment only.
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